
agak lama jari jemari ini tidak menari2 menekan keyboard di laman blog ini...
maafkan saya..(nada zizan ala kartun)

Q:bagaimana perasaan anda setelah hampir 2 bln bergelar pelajar siswazah (master student after official register)?

A:feelingless...hurmm.. suatu beban yg berat sdg dipikul di pundakku..
kdg2 terasa sgt berat beban ini..kdg2 aku x kesah pon dgn beban yg sdg dipikul...
namaku dh terpampang dlm homepage sv...mmg aku dh sah jd student die.

arrrrggghh...ape yg harus aku lakukn???
berjuang demi mencapai impian & cita...
tp aku x pernah bermimpi nk lanjutkn pelajaran smpi master...
cita2 ku entah laa..sentiasa berubah..aku pon x tahu...
aku serahkn takdir ku hanya kepada yg maha esa..

aku perlu berusaha & berdoa utk mndpt yg terbaik...
jgn putus asa wahai aini syahida sumairi..

the last of 2 months

...long time no see...

after 2 months i'm many things happens to me...
struggling to get what i need...
may allah give me strength to facing the next challenges..

yesterday monday : 5.3.2012
i had a meeting with committee members of asia pacific conference & workshop..
i feel like very small there..i'm blank..just listen to the plan of big event..
like 2 years ago when teaching practical..i need to attend the meeting with other school principle..while i'm like student with no idea...just follow teacher hanim...
experience teach me to be mature...but i'm not enough mature..

think about conference...i fell very scary with that word..
huh..people from asia pacific will listen to my talk...
how i can develop my confident...
i have to be confident...i will practice..
hopefully everything will run smoothly..

adios amigos

after 1 month

right after 1 month i got awards from allah...
thank you allah

i got fever
body temperature 39.5degree
doc give 2 days leave

i cry so many times like no tomorrow for me...
forgive me ya allah..


true.. experience is a good teacher

yesterday is passing...
lecturer from USA come to our room..
introduce myself...i fell nothing input from me..
i'm so sorry sir.. i'm beginner.

hopefully..i will be excellent like my friends.
in progress.. insyaallah
need time & space to be like that..

terima kasih allah

syukur alhamdulillah..

permohonan master ku berjaya...
tgu offer letter plak..

pengembaraan bermula...